Author: Lucy Solarz

Join us for our Q4 Neighborhood Meeting & festive Cookie Swap

Q4 Neighborhood Meeting
Thursday, December 5th | 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Help shape the future of Sherman Hill!

Join us for our last Neighborhood Meeting of 2024, and celebrate the season with a festive Cookie Swap and pizza dinner! Let’s come together to reflect on the year and look ahead to the future of our community.

All Sherman Hill Association members and neighbors are invited to attend our quarterly meeting at the Mickle Center.

Agenda —

  • Complimentary Pizza dinner & Drinks beforehand @ 5:30 pm
  • Stay after for the Holiday Cookie Swap
  • Meet-and-greet Neighbors
  • Neighborhood Updates
  • Updates from Board Members on the following:
    • Doors to the Past
    • Halloween on the Hill
    • Myers Park Update
    • Conflict of Interest Bylaws proposed changes and vote
    • Invitation to Join Sherman Hill Association board

Guest Speakers —

  • Mary Wells, Polk County Treasurer’s Office
  • Troy Bothwell, Neighborhood Finance Corporation –
    • He will discuss the NFC’s $10,000 forgivable loan program.
    • NFC provides unique lending programs and other services to facilitate neighborhood revitalization in Polk County and Cedar Rapids, Iowa through partnerships with residents, governments, community-based organizations, lending institutions, and the business community. For more information on their programs and services, please visit their Loan Programs page. 

SHA Neighborhood Cookie Swap
December 5th | Following our Q4 Neighborhood Meet

Celebrate the season with your neighbors promptly after our Q4 Neighborhood Meeting with a festive Cookie Swap. Bring your holiday cheer and a batch of your favorite cookies to swap or share. Ugly Sweaters are encouraged!

Family Friendly. All Are Welcome!

Sherman Hill Association Cornhole Tournament

Big Grove is partnering with the Sherman Hill Association for a cornhole tournament! Please come out, enjoy a Sherman Hill Champagne, and play some bags to fundraise for the neighborhood association.

Proceeds from every Sherman Hill Champagne sold from Sunday, August 4 to Saturday, August 10 will be donated to the association to help build a park.

What to know —

Drink A Beer for Sherman Hill!

Help the Sherman Hill Association build a park in our neighborhood! We’re donating proceeds from every Sherman Hill Champagne poured in our taproom from August 4 – 10th to the association to help build the park.

You can also join us for a cornhole tournament on Aug 8 with the Sherman Hill Association from 6 – 8pm. 

What to know —

Doors To The Past, Walking Tour — Homes Needed!

The date is set for the annual Doors to the Past Walking Tour, and the Sherman Hill Association is seeking homes and gardens to showcase.

Those interested in participating should email

What to know —

  • Walking Tour Date: September 28th & 29th, 2024
  • Participating homes will need to be open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on the tour weekend. Participants are responsible for cleaning before & after the tour.
  • Safety measures taken during the tour include — volunteers at the door and inside the home, they can make any rooms/areas off-limits

Sherman Hill Night at the Iowa Cubs

The Sherman Hill Neighborhood Association is sponsoring the first Sherman Hill Night at the I-
Cubs at Principal Park
on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Game time is 6:30 p.m., and the I-Cubs will be
playing the St Paul Saints, the Minnesota Twins AAA affiliate. The I-Cubs will recognize our
group during the game.


When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Where: I-Cubs at Principal Park
Time: Game time 6:30
Price: $9.00 ticket
How to purchase: Pay via Venmo @Daniel-Alexander-27
Ticket Pick-up: June 20th Mickle Center @ 5:30 pm

The price of the ticket is $9.00 and is payable via Venmo to Daniel Alexander

Don’t have Venmo? No problem. Just contact Dan at to set up another way to pay. If you use Venmo, add “Sherman
Hill at the I-Cubs” or “gift” in the note field so I won’t be taxed.

Tickets, which normally cost $18, will be together in Section 9, reserved grandstand. Children
ages 3 and under do not require a ticket as long as they do not take a seat in the stadium.  The
number of tickets is limited so act quickly.

Because we need to buy the tickets a week in advance to get the discounted price, the deadline
for purchasing tickets is Monday, June 17
(although it is possible some tickets might be
available after the deadline).

Tickets can be picked up on Thursday, June 20 at the Sherman Hill Neighborhood Association
Quarterly Meeting
(June 20th, Mickle Center) beginning at 5:30 p.m. or by contacting Dan at

Contact Dan if you have any questions.

Note: Since we need to sell 20 or more tickets to get the $9 price, if not enough people sign up
for the game, we may need to cancel the event in which case your money will be refunded